How to add border to text in photoshop
How to add border to text in photoshop

how to add border to text in photoshop

how to add border to text in photoshop

Use the Blend Mode to control how the colored stroke will interact with the colors or layers underneath the stroke.There are three choices: Inside, Center, and Outside. The right position changes the appearance of the effect when text is combined with other layer elements. Next, you'll choose a Position for the stroke.Set the size or width to your desired line weight by using the slider or by entering your own value manually. The options under Stroke give you complete control over the appearance of the text border. In the Layer Style dialog box, select Stroke under the list of styles on the left.Or, alternatively, go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke. Right-click on the Type Layer and choose Blending Options from the menu.To get started, select the Type tool (Horizontal or Vertical) and type in your text.You can also use the steps below to add a stroke to any object on your canvas. This method uses Layer Styles to create a stroke, which also allows the Type Layer to remain editable.


In this article, we'll not only show you how to outline text in Photoshop, but we're also going to show you how to outline text in Photoshop the right way, just like the pros. You can create a beautiful effect with the right combination of font, line weight, composition, and form. You are reading: How to Outline Text or Add Borders to Text in Adobe Photoshop It's quick and easy, even if you're a Photoshop beginner-it'll likely end up being one of your favorite effects from this point forward. One of the easiest ways to make text stand out in Photoshop is by adding an outline. How Does Your First Outlined Text Look?.How to Outline Only Part of a Text Layer in Photoshop.

How to add border to text in photoshop